Tag: favorites

Top Hikes & Eats On ((or near)) Orcas

Top Hikes & Eats On ((or near)) Orcas

After 3 trips to the San Juan Islands over the last 4 years ((read about are trip 2 years ago HERE)), I definitely feel as though that place is a second home. The first time we went, Gracie was only 2 – so our experiences 

My Top 10 Favorite Gluten-Free Food for a Year recipes:

My Top 10 Favorite Gluten-Free Food for a Year recipes:

I have been meaning to highlight several of these recipes for quite a while now – but was finally prompted into action by one of my good friends ((and former college roommate)) to throw a few recipes out to all the peeps who live a 

Sweet Smoked German Sausage & Cheesy Green Onion ((carrot)) Mashed Potato Casserole

Sweet Smoked German Sausage & Cheesy Green Onion ((carrot)) Mashed Potato Casserole

Looking for an easy one pot meal that will please the entire herd, make your house smell divine & provide some health benefit? I have the perfect recipe! Homemade mashed potatoes laced – um, I mean blessed with the addition of 4 large, sweet carrots 

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cake ((A cake that traditions are made of!!))

Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cake ((A cake that traditions are made of!!))

As far as food traditions go, this one ranks right up there! If there is a family gathering, a birthday, a reason to celebrate — or just because, chances are — this cake will be there. 

Birthright Stew

Birthright Stew

For those of you who have been following my recipes for a few years – this one should be familiar. I like to call it “Birthright Stew” – I will tell you why soon…

My favorite FAST FOOD taco…

My favorite FAST FOOD taco…

I love tacos, my family loves tacos … doesn’t the world LOVE tacos? Over 15% of my posts talk about tacos including these three tasty recipes: “Buongiorno” Chicken Tacos, Spicy Teriyaki Tacos & Crispy Fish Tacos.  MY TOP 6 REASONS FOR “Why do I love TACOS so much?”

This Hobo Dinner just may change your life!

This Hobo Dinner just may change your life!

 The first time I had a Hobo Dinner was when I was 12. Mom, Dad, Mike & I were camping in the summer in CO. Once the tent was sent up, the campfire wood was gathered and the campfire was built, mom and I started 

It’s Sumo-st wonderful time of the year!

It’s Sumo-st wonderful time of the year!

Yes, I have checked the calendar – It’s March, not December…but, it is still “Sumo-st wonderful time of the year”!