Spiced Apple & Sugared Ginger Galettes Drizzled with Salted Caramel Sauce ((AND a Special Announcement!!))

I have never been one to keep a cat in the bag, and I have been bursting to tell you all about a fun, new partnership between Food for a Year & my favorite copper sink company, Sinkology. I am Sinkology’s new Guest Food Blogger! ((YAY!)) I will be sharing some simple, rustic & classic recipes, reflective of both my cooking style and my experience with selecting, living with & loving copper sinks ((yes, those two things are actually VERY similar)). The entirety of this post, along with this rustic, simple & delicious recipe, can be viewed over at the Sinkology Blog.
Oklahoma may have some 90° days yet to come, but this recent string of cool, crisp mornings is all the confirmation I need, yes — Fall is upon us! I have pulled out some sweaters, proudly slipped on a pair of fleece-lined moccasins and officially celebrated the passing of summer. Even our bunnies seem to have an extra hop in their… um, hop.
And with the best time of year upon us, what better way to celebrate than to fill the home with the glorious scent of fresh, spiced apples and buttery crust baking away in your oven?! Making an apple galette, which is just a fancy name for a free form, country-style slab pie, is the easiest and quickest way to usher Fall into the kitchen.
Now, before we dive into the particulars of this recipe, let me just start by saying – a homemade pie crust is just an option. It may be a luxurious, flaky, buttery perfect option – but it is still purely optional. I won’t be sharing my favorite pie crust recipe today, but if you are interested in checking out a no fail, tried & true pie crust recipe, try my favorite homemade pie crust recipe ((found HERE)).
So, start by having your favorite pie crust handy – because once the apples are sliced & peeled ((or peeled & sliced, for that matter)) the galette will be assembled and ready for the oven in minutes! For this recipe, I made one batch of pie crust, yielding enough for 2 sheets. Instead of dividing the dough into 2 equal portions, I decided the kids & hubby would like their own mini galette – so I made 6 equal portions.
If you don’t NEED 6 minis or 2 – 9″ galettes, simply half the recipe . But let me just pause to say, I don’t believe there is such a thing as too much apple pie – do you?
Moving on – let’s talk about the apple filling. I am letting you in on my secret for making the best apple pie: I use a combination of apples, making sure to get a good mix of sweet, tart, crisp, crunchy. What looks the prettiest is a factor too. For this recipe, I used equal parts: Granny Smith, Golden Delicious & Honey Crisp.
I used a mandolin to evenly slice my apples into pretty rings, then I used my circular cutters to peel and core the slices.
Using circular cutters to peel and core make this the perfect job for a kiddo! Mine happened to be on a field trip, otherwise they would have been enlisted for sure!
The bunnies were happy to see these kitchen scraps come their way!! Now, I can admit – slicing & peeling in this manner is a slightly more labor intensive process ((and much more vain, haha)) than just getting a parring knife and going to town. But just look at those perfect circles?! Don’t they make for a pretty picture?!
A perfect blend of a few simple, flavor-packed ingredients come together to form the perfect apple galette filling! ((Check out the recipe at Sinkology for details))
Combine the sugar mixture and begin assembly.
Place apples in the center of your pie crust ((my pie crust is rolled out on parchment for easy transfer)), being sure to leave 1″ – 2″ of crust around the edges. For minis, I sprinkled approximately 3 tablespoons of my sugar blend between and on top of the apple layers.
The remainder of the instructions as well as the recipe, can be viewed HERE.
But, I can’t help but give you a peek at the final product! Trust me, it tastes even better than it looks!
Head over to Sinkology and read all about this recipe!
I would love to receive some comments from my Food for a Year viewers – over at the Sinkology Blog. You will be my little touch of home at the “office”.
No worries, Food for a Year will be just as busy as ever, new recipes and deep thoughts posted throughout the week – just like always.