**SOLD**For Sale ((by Emily)): mid-mod Cultura stainless steel lidded sugar & creamer set

- For Sale ((by Emily)): mid-mod Cultura stainless steel lidded sugar & creamer set
I have wavered between keeping and selling for a few days. I have decided to sell – but you may want to act quickly, I am bound to change my mind any moment.
This gorgeous mid-mod Cultura stainless steel lidded sugar & creamer set is new to the Food for a Year store today. I don’t even use sugar and cream and I have LOVED the simplicity and functionality (not that I ever actually tested their function by pretending to add invisible cream and sugar to an empty coffee mug) of these pieces.
This set was made in… any guesses?? Wait, don’t check the google – that sucks the fun out of guessing games like none other. I almost included the answer in the above photo — yes, summer has taken it’s toll. I am not quite as sharp as I was in early May. Ho hum.
Update :: the country of origin for this beautiful set is…
To purchase, either email: foodforayear@yahoo.com or leave a comment in the comments section below and I will send you instructions.