**SOLD** For Sale ((by Emily)) :: set of three vintage Pyrex refrigerator dishes, with matching lids; $30

**SOLD** For Sale ((by Emily)) :: set of three vintage Pyrex refrigerator dishes, with matching lids; $30

I just love it when I find a matching set of these dishes!


And storing leftovers in these makes leftovers even yummier — right?!


The 2 smaller dishes have the 1½ cup capacity – and not a chip to be seen. There are some minor usage marks on the outside, but the most notable wear issue is that the red & blue dishes appear to have been put in the dishwasher. The result – the finish turned dull.


However all three colors remain bright and as my sis-in-law Marcy said, “When a treasure comes a little worn it takes the stress out of using it & you can just enjoy it!”. Isn’t that the truth??


Set of 3 = $30

To purchase, either email: foodforayear@yahoo.com or leave a comment in the comments section below and I will send you instructions.

In true show & tell form: "I am open for questions & comments"