For Sale — Vintage Walnut Bowl set ((of 9)), Heirloom Walnut by Didware of Lebanon, MO.

- For Sale ((by Emily)) — Vintage Walnut Bowl set ((of 9)), Heirloom Walnut by Didware of Lebanon, MO.
This is a lovely set! I consider the condition to be excellent, near mint ((with no noticeable wear)).
The large serving bowl is a whopping 12″ x 5″ while the 8 smaller bowls measure 6″ x 2¼”.
If you had this lovely set, it would last a lifetime & beyond — I am sure!
Whether salad, chips & salsa or fruit — these bowls are gorgeous!
$40 for the complete set.
To purchase, either email: or leave a comment in the comments section below and I will send you instructions.