How does your garden grow?
It has been a few weeks since I have shared an official garden update – and I just can’t help but tell you how my garden is growing: above, you can see I have dozens of beans – they look so happy! If you will recall, I sprouted these from dried beans I saved while cooking dinner. What a fun lesson for my kiddos to see where dried beans come from. Several rainbow chard plants are thriving. I placed the plant above & the one below in my flower beds ((along with about 10 others)). Chard is a perfect plant to add to flower beds for season long color & foliage — and the best part: it’s edible!! Another plant I have added to my flower beds: strawberries. They are great to place at the forefront of the bed, they also stay green all season & ((obviously)) what a tasty, beautiful fruit! My kale is going crazy — and as you can see, the caterpillars are loving it ((BOO!!)). This thyme is going crazy, as is all of my thyme. I have a TON! Oh & BTW – this Russian Sage is absolutely nuts, I just love it! Above is part of my herb collection which includes two additional types of thyme – both of which over-wintered well. Also see, two types of sage, two types of chives and oregano. My tomatoes are coming out in full swing — look closely and you can see these heirlooms are striped ((yay!!)).
More tomatoes… growing side by side with more chard:
Even more tomatoes! Hopefully the bugs will ignore my prized heirloom tomatoes, I have 12 different varieties and am looking forward to taste-testing them all: making salsa, tomato pie — and a hundred juicy mouthfuls of tomatoes with s & p. Bright days are ahead!