“You’ve Got a Friend in Me”

In a hurried moment I realized – I made a wrong turn. Well, not really a WRONG turn – but certainly not the RIGHT turn. Not the turn that would save me from 20 unnecessary minutes of stop lights, traffic congestion & a dwindling gas tank — but it would still lead me to the place I had planned to be. Once on that path, there was no turning back. It was a “one-way” literally.
As I was realizing my miss-turn, I was talking to mom on the phone. ((Is that bad?? I am not sure if I am supposed to talk on the phone and drive and if I do…am I supposed to admit it??))

Mom had asked me a question, or at least that is what I am guessing as I look back on our conversation – because all I really remember is saying “I am sorry I seem distracted – but a couple walking along-side the road looks to be in an argument. Mom, it doesn’t look good, I think he is going to hit her.”
“Hang up and call 911!” she urged.
In a strange bundle of efforts, I managed to absorb the details of what was unfolding before my eyes, pray, dial 911 and keep my car safely within legal driving parameters.
For 90 seconds, time slowed and my senses sharpened. She took ten steps back, he lunged and narrowed the gap between them. She waved her hands, in what appeared to be a defeated announcement of helplessness. She wiped her cheeks and he reared his arm back with clenched fist and swung. Did he hit her? I couldn’t tell if his hand made contact, but his entire being was a punch in and of itself.
Not that it could reach any deeper levels of sadness than what I observed in those seconds, but what became very mournfully obvious to me – she was not surprised by his reprehensible behavior.
They stood and he screamed. It is an odd thing to watch someone’s body scream at another. An ugly, hateful, horrid sound must have been coming from the depths of his lungs but all I heard, two lanes away – encased in my cozy car, was the whirr of my air conditioner and the hum of my engine…oh, and the impatient HONK of the person behind me. The light turned green but I was somewhere else. I was beside her.
Moments before, while I was still approaching the intersection of Memorial Road and May Avenue & witnessing this horrible dance of screaming, fist throwing, cheek wiping, hand waving, walking away and drudging back — I saw her eyes. Even more, I saw into her eyes. She didn’t see me. She looked through my car, through my eyes and, as it seemed to me, through all 75 cars on the road at that minute.
Her eyes never locked on anyone, or anything – but her eyes screamed of misery – dark, tormented, lonely misery; of hopeless helplessness. How could it be that she never acknowledged help was all around – she was not alone? Did she know – eyes were on her? Even more – how could it be that she didn’t wave down a passerby, jump in the car and drive off to safety?
I am calling her Agnes, because to me she isn’t a representative of a “people” in need. She is a woman with a mom and a dad, brothers and sisters, a best friend and several neighbors, a favorite aunt, two cousins born her same year…classmates who drove her to lunch and worked together on team projects. A past riddled with happy but must have been also highlighted with sad.
Agnes is a woman who is dying of thirst and lost in the desert with no place to go and no help in sight.
I named you Agnes because you reminded me of Hagar.
Do you know the story of Hagar? You can read the entire passage in Genesis 16. She was the maid servant of Sarai ((Sarah – the wife of Abraham)). Sarai was barren but Hagar was able to become pregnant with Abraham’s child. Sarai was so jealous that she mistreated Hagar and Hagar fled into the dessert. An angel of the Lord ((another way to interpret angel is a Messenger of the Lord and if you want to get really, amazingly deep – many scholars believe it was actually the pre-incarnate Jesus – Jehovah)) met her on the side of the road, called her by name and asked her to tell Him her story.
The Lord blessed Hagar and made certain promises to her regarding the baby boy she would soon birth. What happened next is hair-raisingly amazing. Hagar named this messenger. Within the name she selected, she revealed the most beautiful faith to be documented in the Word. A faith that recognized the Hand and Face of the King without being told His identity. She believed, in faith, that He was no ordinary messenger, He knew her name, her story, her troubles and her needs and He saved her and blessed her.
Hagar named Him: “The God Who sees me” … and she went on to declare “For I have now seen the One Who sees me.”
Agnes – He is the One Who longs for you to know He sees you. He longs for you to receive His offer of help and blessing.
Agnes, as I watched you I called 911 and urged them to intervene. But it wasn’t just me Agnes. I was not the only one – others were calling 911 too – the phones at that call center were lighting up for you. You were seen, your silent suffering was heard. Not just by the passersby, but by Beer Lahai Roi – The Living One Who sees. And as I spoke to Beer Lahai Roi – I pleaded to Him for you and I cried out for help on your behalf. Every day since, I have talked to God for you and about you – that He will see you. And that you will see the One Who sees you. I will continue to do this for you, Agnes. Because, you have a friend in me.
I looked out from my safe place and I saw your struggles, I heard your tears and I went to the only One Who can fix them. It is amazing to me. Absolutely amazing. The turn I thought was WRONG was a providential appointment. Praise be to Beer Lahai Roi – He called me out of my haze and into His plan. By His hand my WRONG turn was made RIGHT.
Agnes, you have a friend in me. Because of an unintentional ((providential)) turn, The One Who sees you ((Agnes)) is hearing your name. OH! That you may see the One Who sees you.