Gracie and the Curlformers

Gracie and the Curlformers

Several weeks ago ((during the Black Friday & Cyber Monday sale-palooza)) I came across the most curious curlers I have ever seen. My curiosity combined with a time-ticking half-off sale price left me no room for investigation or consideration. Yes, I feverishly clicked “buy it NOW”.

When they arrived, I was immediately excited to try them on the girl, but refrained – knowing they were a gift for Christmas Morning.

Gracie was equally excited at the sight and we made a plan to test them out with her next hair wash.

Thankfully, in-between receiving them and using them, I checked out some helpful AND hilarious videos testing out these very curlers. If you need a good chuckle the “grav3yardgirl” was my fav.

Here is the scoop: it is important that the hair is slightly damp; not dripping wet and not dry. It also needs to be brushed smooth. So we blow-dried ((while brushing)) the girl’s hair for a little while.

Once her hair was only slightly damp and smooth, we followed the package instructions ((with the help of some previously viewed videos)).


  • First, section the hair into an approximate 1″ piece, it helps keep this portion sectioned if you twist the hair at the scalp.
  • Push the hook through the inside of the curler and hook the twisted portion of the hair, pulling down. This should get the hair piece threaded inside the curler. BUT if you used too much hair it may get stuck. You will most likely know the hair is stuck by the blood-curdling scream that comes from your little one. ((oops))
  • So make sure you don’t use too much hair.
  • Try to keep hairs not in the section out of the curler, this is where the most painful pulling seemed to come from.
  • Repeat until the entire head is in curlers.
  • About halfway through, David walked in and immediately thought I could use an extra hand or two. He was right. Once he started helping, the process was a breeze.
  • That being said, I cannot imagine doing this to my own head. If at all possible get someone to do it for you!

Once the hair curlers were in place, Gracie was happy she did it, but there were a few bribes thrown around to keep her in the chair.


It was when she went to lay her little head down for a long night’s sleep that my concerns were raised. Yes, there was hair-pulling-pain. Bummer. I loosened a few parts that seemed to be causing the most discomfort and we figured out how she could position her head for maximum comfort.  Then said a little prayer for a good night’s sleep.


It was when, after she had fallen asleep and I was starting to leave the room, she raised up and told me she would come into my room and wake me up if her head hurt – that nerves turned my stomach into knots. It was as if I was laying a newborn down, knowing sleep would not be mine.


12:47 am – she kept her word. She came in, booted David out and confirmed — her head was hurting. Throughout the night, she reminded me of that truth, but managed to keep falling back to sleep.


7:43 am – she was awake.


Isn’t she the cutest?


I immediately pulled them out ((warning – that hurt too)). But the more I did, the better I got at not hurting her.


She couldn’t wait to run out and show the guys her bouncy, perfect curls. 


Oh – and get her morning chocolate “bribe”. ((Hey, a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!))

When asked if she would do it again, she quickly said “Yes – for chocolate!”. That is my girl.

PS – Other than the pleasure that came from playing beauty shop with my girl, I was not paid for this review nor did I receive this product to review. I received a Black Friday discount, available to all earlybirds looking for a “worm” or in this case, a curler. ha!