Fall 2017 Cooking Class Schedule!

I am excited to share my Fall cooking class schedule! I have posted several holiday themed treats that are new tom cooking class calendar, it should be quite fun!!
Let me answer a few frequent questions::
- What ages are recommended for your classes?
These classes are designed for children & teens ages 5 and up.
- How do you receive payment?
I prefer Venmo ((it’s an app – look it up! You’ll love it too!)), but will also accept PayPal and check. Of course, cash is always awesome!
- Do you accept EPIC funds?
Yes! I am an EPIC vendor so if your child is an EPIC student, this is a great way to use your EPIC funds.
- How can I reserve a spot for my kiddo?
To reserve a space, simply email me at emily@foodforayear.com and I’ll get in touch with payment details etc.
- Where are you located?
I teach classes out of my home kitchen that I specifically designed with cooking classes in mind. I am close to the OKC metro but if you want specifics, send me a message and I’ll fill you in.
- Do parents stay for the classes or can we leave?
Typically parents do not stay for the classes. However, there have been times they wanted to and it worked out great. So it’s up to you, please let me know if that’s your plan.
- What time should I drop-off and pick-up?
I try to schedule the timing of each class so that we can accomplish all of our cooking tasks on time. Because of that, I ask that you drop your child off no more that 5 minutes early and please pick up no later than 5 minutes after class is over. We will be working right up until the last minute, so please do not pick up early. If you must pick up early, please let me know in advance. I’ll make every effort to get your child’s food ready early but be aware that may not always be possible. There are occasions where something goes awry and we’ve ended up needing 15 extra minutes. I’ll text you to let you know if this should happen.
- How many kiddos are in your classes?
My classes are mostly limited to 6-8 kiddos depending on the class.
I look forward to spending the Fall with your kiddos – it really is such fun! Please comment or email with any additional questions or to reserve your space.
**Please note, due to the nature of my cooking classes and the limited space, if you are unable to attend a class that you’ve signed up for, I am only able to refund 50% of entire cost of the class.