It’s a wonderful whirlwind of a tour: Northern Cali ((part one))

It’s a wonderful whirlwind of a tour: Northern Cali ((part one))

I have been squeezing as much as possible into these last few days. I think, somehow, I also squeezed in some extra hours. How else could we have seen and done so much?? We started out by touring

Dear Alice, and a recipe for Orange Candied Walnuts

Dear Alice, and a recipe for Orange Candied Walnuts

Dear Alice, A little bit over four weeks ago we were making plans. Looking through all of your cookbooks and mapping out our treats for Perry Christmas. The bread pudding with almond paste and raspberry sauce has been one we have talked about for years, 

More Estate Sale Yumminess

More Estate Sale Yumminess

I have a great love for old. Well, it sounds cooler to say I love vintage – vintage art, dishes, furniture and especially kitchen items. I came across a small estate sale in my neighborhood last weekend. Oh, it may have been small but it 

Time Flies.

Time Flies.

I am on the eve of the anniversary of becoming a mother – oh and Kade is on the eve of turning TWELEVE! Twelve years ago this very night, I was falling asleep ((with the help of a strong sleep aid)) in the hospital in 

“You’ve Got a Friend in Me”

“You’ve Got a Friend in Me”

In a hurried moment I realized – I made a wrong turn. Well, not really a WRONG turn – but certainly not the RIGHT turn. Not the turn that would save me from 20 unnecessary minutes of stop lights, traffic congestion & a dwindling gas 

One of my very favorite things…

One of my very favorite things…

If I can manage to carve a few hours out of a Saturday morning, my very first hope is to find a few great estate sales. I love the vintage kitchen tools and bakeware, well-used cookbooks full of detailed markings indicating her culinary flops and 

When all else fails…make PLAY DOUGH!!

When all else fails…make PLAY DOUGH!!

Some days are diamonds…some days, well… some days call for making play dough! Today was actually a great day – the kiddos were pleasantly kind to each other and were very cooperative in getting their schoolwork done. Even with a nice pace to our day 

On a memory and a prayer…

On a memory and a prayer…

I wish there was nothing to remember.

Trip of a Lifetime ((part 5 – the end)) expectations…exceeded

Trip of a Lifetime ((part 5 – the end)) expectations…exceeded

This story as been harder to write than I first anticipated ((and longer than I thought it would be too)). Originally, I thought 2 parts would cover it. However, as I began writing it out, sections and divisions became clearer to me. Each portion of this 

A Trip of a Lifetime ((part 4)), uncertainly certain.

A Trip of a Lifetime ((part 4)), uncertainly certain.

If you have been keeping up with our story, we just received news that Shepard would indeed be having an appendectomy. Find out all of the circumstances that led up to this discovery and how this new information was a direct answer to prayer by 

A Trip of a Lifetime ((part 3)) — TBA

A Trip of a Lifetime ((part 3)) — TBA

If you have been following along, I have been sharing the story of our recent trip to Washington State and the unexpected journey that followed. If you haven’t read part one & part two, take a few minutes to find out why our doctor was 

A Trip of a Lifetime ((part 2)) – Time to Fly

A Trip of a Lifetime ((part 2)) – Time to Fly

I left off with alarms sounding in my heart. If you haven’t read the first section of “our story”, you can catch up by starting here. But let me interject one important part of this story that occurred an hour before I learned Shepy couldn’t