((SOLD)) For Sale ((by Emily)) :: Awesome 12¼” Round Mid-Mod (unmarked) 1950’s platter with charcoal & blue hashings

I have 2 people ((totally in my mind conversations)) who “need” this platter. If I paused for more than 13 seconds, I would be able to add 5 more names to my mental list. As a matter of fact, just in the few seconds it took my to type this – 2 more faces popped in to my mind. Oops, another – now that is 5 ladies!! Sorry men, but I relate the love of dishes to women – due to the fact that I come from a LONG line of certified lady “dishes lovers”.
Which, by the way, is exactly what got be into the business of having a shop in the first place. I should name it “Oh for the love of dishes!”.
Okay, let’s talk about this beauty.
I had every intention of claiming her as “mine”. But as I went to squeeze her into my already FULL cabinets, there was not a spot. I would have to hide her behind another pretty, and “Nobody puts baby in a corner”. So, to the shop she goes.
How many ways can this be used?? Um brownies! Cookies for Santa – hey, blue & charcoal are the new red & green!
Or to just sit and look pretty, which – she does quite well.
I love her and I am letting her go – be kind to her. Use her, often. And please, for the love of all things pretty: Do NOT put her in the dishwasher. She is a lady, after all – wash her by hand.
Oh, and you may like to know: there is not one chip, not a scratch, not a whisper of crazing. She is quite the lady indeed.
((SOLD)) $28 ((eek))
To purchase, either email: foodforayear@yahoo.com or leave a comment in the comments section below and I will send you instructions.