For Sale ((by Emily)) :: Vintage Hourglass Cromargan Salt & Pepper Shakers, set of 2; made in Germany – $28

For Sale ((by Emily)) :: Vintage Hourglass Cromargan Salt & Pepper Shakers, set of 2; made in Germany – $28

Well, add this to the list of treasures I have held onto for a few more months than I should. But finally, here this gorgeous mid-mod set appears.

Aren’t they lovely? 

Standing 2½” tall and about as wide at the top & bottom, this pair is a real midcentury treasure.


The style combined with function couldn’t be any more perfect.


The stainless steel top just pops off for ease of re-filling.  And notice the detail: smaller and larger holes! See, function & beauty.


If you know me, you KNOW I have a “thing” for S&P shakers, I count these among some of my most rare treasured finds. But – I am passing them onto YOU!


To purchase, either email: or leave a comment in the comments section below and I will send you instructions.

3 thoughts on “For Sale ((by Emily)) :: Vintage Hourglass Cromargan Salt & Pepper Shakers, set of 2; made in Germany – $28”

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