For Sale ((by Emily)) :: set of 8 country rose & cornflower berry bowls & dessert plates; $22

For Sale ((by Emily)) :: set of 8 country rose & cornflower berry bowls & dessert plates; $22

This sweet little gold-trimmed set is a perfect addition to anything you already have. I mean – how cute would a serving of strawberry-topped angel food cake look on this set? Or a yummy side of cucumber & tomato salad?


No chips, cracks, crazing – and very little wear noted.


No marking on the underside leaves this maker a mystery, although, I suspect USA – 1940’s.


$22, for 4 berry/dessert bowls & 4 saucers/dessert/bread & butter plates

To purchase, either email: or leave a comment in the comments section below and I will send you instructions.

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