Tag: dinner

Cream of Roasted Jalapeño Soup

Cream of Roasted Jalapeño Soup

I first had this soup at one of our favorite local restaurants – Interurban (“IU”). As I examined the menu, I noticed the soup of the day “Cream of Jalapeño Soup” and was instantly curious. Before I tell you all about the soup – let 

Mezzi Paccheri with Spring Peas & Candied Bacon

Mezzi Paccheri with Spring Peas & Candied Bacon

About 5 years ago, I found myself in a predicament ((I imagine most moms find themselves in)). Dinnertime was upon us and there I was – AGAIN begging my kids to eat something green. This time the something green was peas. All four were mid-refusals 

An Okie Girl’s Take on Homemade Spicy Peanut Sauce

An Okie Girl’s Take on Homemade Spicy Peanut Sauce

True confessions: My refrigerator is a messy, messy beast. I have 9 types of mustard ((that is a whole other story)), at least 7 jars of pickles ((spicy pickles are my fave!!)), ketchup, mayo, several salsas, sriracha, wing sauce, olives, pasta sauce, some random leftovers, 

Dirty Red Beans & Rice

Dirty Red Beans & Rice

This recipe is a classic case of dump, stir and walk away. Isn’t that what we are all looking for — a way get a yummy meal on the table without slaving over it ALL DAY LONG?! I know I have a list of things 

Verde Chicken Taco & Farmhouse Ale “No-Peek” Soup

Verde Chicken Taco & Farmhouse Ale “No-Peek” Soup

It’s that time of year when nothing seems to taste better than a warm bowl of hearty soup. If you have been following along as I share some family favorites, you know “no-peeks” are pretty much my favorite way to get a yummy meal on 

Speedy Honey Mustard & Green Onion Oven-Roasted Chicken ((Part 7 of the “BUSY Mom Cooks” recipe series))

Speedy Honey Mustard & Green Onion Oven-Roasted Chicken ((Part 7 of the “BUSY Mom Cooks” recipe series))

Lately, everything coming out of my kitchen has been “speedy”! I can’t even count how many Tamale Skillet Pie’s ((TSP)) I have made in the last month, but that little gem of a recipe has been making bi-weekly appearances for a while now.  In an effort to break 

Cranberry Orange Chicken ((Part 6 of the “BUSY Mom Cooks” recipe series))

Cranberry Orange Chicken ((Part 6 of the “BUSY Mom Cooks” recipe series))

Well, life hasn’t slowed for me and — I am guessing, based on the time of year and upcoming list of festivities I am sure we all share, you can more than relate to my state of affairs. When every other bit of life is rushed, a 

Pesto Chicken and Heirloom Tomatoes (Part 3 of the “Busy Mom Approved” recipe series)

Pesto Chicken and Heirloom Tomatoes (Part 3 of the “Busy Mom Approved” recipe series)

Okay friends, I am going to blast a few recipes out over the next week. There will be very little commentary – not because they are not commentary worthy, but because this momma is full-up with life. These are TOO GOOD to them let slip away into my 

Candied Pepper Bacon

Candied Pepper Bacon

It is the little things in life that often bring the biggest smiles, right? Like flipping the light switch and the room fills with light. Or that first sip of a fresh cup of tea. Or when your little one brings you a rose petal and 

CopyCat Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Soup

CopyCat Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Soup

This is it – the chicken enchilada soup recipe that will be your go to. Now, I am not bragging ((at all)), rather just stating the simple fact: this is the BEST enchilada soup recipe. It is just the right amount of thick and creamy, 

Tamale Skillet Pie

Tamale Skillet Pie

This meal is one of “those recipes” — one that tastes like you had all of the time in the world to put it together. But in actuality, you had only 15 hurried minutes to get something edible into the oven. Um, I think that is happening 

No-Peek Meatless Taco Soup

No-Peek Meatless Taco Soup

This soup is a twist on traditional beans, seasoned with my homemade taco seasoning blend, a few key pantry staples and cooked using my favorite cooking method: the slow & low No-Peek method.