One small recipe for mankind, one GiANT recipe for me.

This is the recipe that started it all for me — Click HERE to view.
On September 1, 2009, at 7 months pregnant with my fourth baby, I received a phone call…not just any phone call, THE phone call. I had entered a recipe in April and thought nothing else about it until the lady calling me caused me to remember. Once I figured out she was serious, I couldn’t contain my excitement.
At the time of the phone call, I was home “alone” with my youngest boy and two dogs, I am pretty sure I was the only one who knew what I was talking about (haha!). But, I excitedly told them all I was going to the Pillsbury Bake-Off and whether or not they knew what that meant, we all jumped and screamed and barked and laughed. What a wonderful memory!
Then, I called my husband – all he could do was laugh (I think when he first heard my voice he thought something was very wrong and was so frightened… when he realized it was great news he was probably more relieved than excited!!). Next, I called momma and dad. They really didn’t know what I was talking about – but they were in the car with some family friends and if it weren’t for Julie, I don’t think they would have ever gotten a clue.
The next few months were crazy, I was on TV making my recipe several times and interviewed for the newspaper and radio as well. In addition to all of that, I got my new ((and last)) baby. We were so blessed. My heart races, even today, as I think back on all of the fond memories the Bake-Off provided our family.
There are several things about this recipe I LOVE: 1) It is truly a recipe I have made for my family for many years,it’s tried and true and is pleasing to everyone. 2) It is so easy. 3) The dressing is so very good – I bet it will become a favorite for you too. 4) It sent me to the Bake-Off haha. This recipe points out a few tips for taking the stress out of meal planning and prep. Specifically, having a few key ingredients as part of your stocked pantry and freezer as well as a few simple & tested recipes may just keep your hair from catching fire!
*Rotisserie chickens will provide endless meal options. Grab a couple next time you go to Sam’s (Sam’s has the best rotisserie chickens). Pull apart leftover chicken and freeze for a later time, you will be glad you did. The chicken will turn a jar of pasta sauce into a meal, turn tortillas into enchiladas, or veggies and broth into a hearty soup.
*Also, apricot preserves are a great item to keep in your pantry. It will add refinement and flavor to anything from pork to chicken to salad. Trust me!
I hope you enjoy reading this recipe – I would love to answer any questions you may have – but since Pillsbury now owns my recipe, I will not be posting it on my website. The link is highlighted above and should tell you all you need to know about how to make this simple recipe for your family. Thank you for letting me go down memory lane!! I have more Bake-Off stories but will save them for another day.