My Little Pony Tails ((or Yoda Fingers))

“What she talking about?!” I can hear you asking from here! Party food, I am talking about party food. But not just any party food — birthday party food. More specifically kid birthday party food.

Gracie recently turned FIVE ((sniff)). and She selected My Little Pony as her theme. So I did want any creatively slow ((or just very busy or inspiration seeking)) mom would do: a Pinterest search.
The ideas were bountiful, some extravagant and some minimal. My head began to spin with possibilities and then my mind hit a wall. Time – where will I EVER find the time??
So I quickly, filtered through the possibilities and settled on one Pin I found that was just too cute to ignore.
There were no instructions, no ingredients, not even a recipe name – but that didn’t matter! Once you see the picture, you will understand why all of those things are totally unnecessary!
Aren’t they so cute?? Sometimes, a picture really is worth 1,000 words! I immediately named them Pony Tails!
- 1 package of wafer cookies
- 1/2 block of candy melt
- a variety of sprinkles
But being the mom of boys that I am, I could not help but imagine what similar boy-themed treat I would make. And BOOM, an idea popped into my head. “Yoda Fingers” using green sprinkle, chocolate melting candy and chocolate wafer cookies. Y.E.S.!!
Gracie was a big help making them, and that is why pictures of the process are limited to these 2 shots ((haha)).
So there you have it! The perfect My Little Pony party treat “My Little Pony Tails”. ((Or for the boys out there “May the Force Be With Your Yoda Finger”))
Half of a block of candy melt per wafer cookie package is the perfect ration. I melted the entire block ((without thinking)) was left with quite a bit of melted white candy melt – and no more wafer cookies.
But don’t feel bad for me – I was able to make one of my kiddo’s most loved recipes. It is such a special recipe, it deserves it’s very own spot on the blog so stay tuned! Once it has been posted, I will add the link ((HERE)).