How Best to Clean Silver-Plated Flatware ((is this a “Tip of the Week”?!))

Ever since Shep’s appendix rupture, I have seemed to be out of Tip’s of the Week. I don’t know why the two are related, but that is just how it is. I am not planning on bringing back regular installments of “Tip of the Week” — however, this tip is just too good not to share!
If you have been following me on other social media platforms ((links are in the top right corner of the desktop version of my blog)), you know I LOVE estate sales & vintage hunting. I LOVE, LOVE finding little treasures.
Some of my weaknesses included kitchen linens ((including cloth napkins, vintage aprons, dish towels & table cloths)), flatware ((vintage silver & stainless, mid-century & romantic floral)), pottery, cookbooks, art, kitchen utility goodies ((measuring spoons, mixing bowls & wooden cutting boards)) & dishes.
I love the chic vintage look of mixed silver at the dinner table. I could take years to acquire enough for six place settings – but at an average of 50¢ per piece, unmatched silver is one of my favorite things to keep a look out for.
I recently found a small stash of silver-plated flatware amid a bin of stainless flatware pieces. The mix of flatware included mostly a hodge podge of mid-century modern stainless ((which I love)). But buried deep, I could see 5 tarnished silver beauties.
Now, I do like some tarnish — but these pieces were especially tarnished, in that “dirty” tarnished sort of way.
A few years ago, I made a rookie mistake. I assumed silver-plated flatware could be cleaned in the same manner as sterling silver flatware. My friends, don’t make the mistake I did. I polished that tarnished silver-plate right off. Oops.
One thing about me? I don’t ugly up estate sale treasures twice if I can help it.
I googled: “How to clean silver-plated flatware“. Surprisingly, there were only a few posts about this – but they all said the same thing. The real bonus?? There were just a few steps and I had all the materials on hand. Here is what you need:
- Baking soda: about ½ cup per batch.
- Aluminum foil, no imitations please.
- Water, boiling water.
- ((this is my recommendation)) Plastic tub
Line a plastic tub with aluminum foil ((as pictured – pretend you don’t see the flatware))*.
Boil water ((as pictured)).
Place tarnished silver-plated flatware in the aluminum foil-lined tub.
Pour baking soda over flatware.
Pour boiling water over the soda and flatware. Prepare to be amazed.
Folks, it’s a chemical reaction! The aluminum and the soda pull the oxidation off of the tarnished flatware.
It worked — mostly.
***Now, before you run out and start being a chemist turning your tarnished chic treasures into bright, fresh sliver beauties, there are a few things you NEED to know. I wish I knew them BEFORE I did this experiment. Please let me spare you a mini-disaster & read my bonus tips:
- Do not mix brands. Take your time and just clean one brand at a time. Each brand has different metallic properties & trust me, it is possible to deposit the tarnish from one brand onto another brand. That is bad.
- Take special care with knives. The handle is silver-plated but the knife ((the cutting portion)) is probably stainless steel. This chemical reaction CAN and probably will mar the stainless and deposit black oxidation spots on the flatware. That is bad.
- Not all tarnish is ugly. I only remove the tarnish when it is so bad I would be concerned to eat off of it. It is just a matter of opinion.
- This will not work on sterling silver. I think the 3 pieces that remained dark are actually sterling silver. The two bright beauties are marked “silver-plate”. But the remaining three are only marked “PANAMA”. I searched and searched for information about these & found nothing. I assumed they were silver-plated…I guess what they say about assuming is true…
I think that is all, go forth and brighten. I can’t wait to hear how this works for you!