The Bunny Babies are 2 Weeks Old!

I mean really. I just don’t think there could be anything cuter. These 2 week old bunnies are just a bounty of pure delight.
I could sit by their hutches all day long playing, cuddling and just quietly watching them. But for some reason, my herd likes to eat several times a day and just like that, real life calls meaty from this sweet little bunny farm heaven.
It looks as though we have two Black Otter Holland Lops – they are just like their momma. This is a first for the Bunny Farm and wow are they gorgeous. We also have another Gray Torte which is exactly like the baby we kept from last Spring’s litter ((HONEY)) and another Agouti.
This is our chubby bunny Honey, whom we kept from our earlier litter. She is so gushy and sweet. I just love her.
Here is sweet momma, Polly, overlooking her babies. She is so sweet to me these days – she loves the extra attention and just lets me pet her to my heart’s content. She is also always up for another yummy treat! Feeding four furry babies isn’t for the faint of heart!
We also have some beautiful lion lops – check out this cutie! This bunny has a twin with very similar coloring – so a pair of Harlequin Lionlops!
They have figured out how to escape their nesting box.
Momma, Ruby Grace, isn’t too sure what to think about that!
In addition to the 2 harley’s we also have 2 black lionlops – each has a white patch on the nose and a white streak on the forehead. Just beautiful! The next bite of excitement comes in a few weeks when we can finally tell if any of our lionlops have BLUE EYES like their daddy, Frank ((old blue eyes)).
Here are some videos of them in action!
These bunnies are for sale, I prefer to sell them in pairs because they are such social pets. They will be ready for pick up the week before Christmas – won’t they be so cute under your Christmas Tree??