Tip of the Week

How many rusty pans can you find in your cabinets? Even one is one too many, right?? ((and I have 3!)). About once very 5-7 years I break down and buy a few new pans – but at $20-$30 a pop, I would rather be buying some new shoes.
Why are the pans getting rusty anyway? Well, without going into all of the chemistry behind rust – which I am sure you already know…it’s basically all water’s fault.
Chopping, cooking, baking, meal-making – all part of life for most of us. But when the whole herd is fed, the work is not quite done! NO, It’s clean-up time. I ALWAYS hand wash all of my bakeware and cookware because the dishwasher is too harsh for them. Most of the time, I air dry those items over-night (rust loves that!). But even if I hand-dried them right away, I would still not be doing enough to prevent rust formation.
That is where this week’s Tip of the Week comes in handy! Once you’ve hand-washed your baking sheets, stick them back in that oven you just turned off, and leave them in there until the oven is cooled. Why?? By doing that, all of the residual water trapped in the turned edges of baking sheets, muffins pans, pie tins & bundt pans will evaporate – leaving the pan perfectly dry AND RUST-FREE! ((Doesn’t this remind you of care tips for cast-iron??))
Brilliant! Momma’s getting a new pair of shoes!!!
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Special thanks for this week’s Tip of the Week goes to Laura Wright (you can also read about Laura’s eggs and tasty homemade thin crust pizza dough)!!! If you have a tip you would like to share – feel free to post a comment.