Technicolored Oven Roasted Veggies with Fresh Herbs and Lemon Zest

It’s the time of year when I start thinking about shedding my ‘winter coat’ in anticipation of our summer week at the lake. I have had several convos with ladies in my same situation ((you know who you are)) & we all agree: the coat MUST go.
I have found (for me personally) everything that tastes good {insert carbs} wants to stay attached to me – in places I don’t want or need it to stay. Oh, and in case you didn’t know by now: ‘I love FOOD!!’. So for the next 6 weeks, I am challenging myself to love food and leave carbs. It isn’t the easiest thing for me to do for several reasons:
– carbs are inexpensive & I cook for a lot of humans, so they are VERY budget friendly.
– carbs taste so good (newsflash right??).
– carbs include ALL sweets (boo).
– HOW do I taste test and season carbs I am preparing for the fam & maintain my carb-fast??
All issues I will have to overcome!
It is a little more work for me but that’s okay – this fluffy winter coat is officially OUT of SEASON!! haha!! The night I made these oven roasted veggies, I also made one of my favorite meals ((using the pressure-cooker, yay!!)) red beans & rice. I love them so much & seasoning them with bay leaves and Old Bay makes them perfect…but red beans & rice is carb-loaded, so I had to pass and it was SO hard. But, I had a treat in the oven that boosted my self-control: Technicolored Oven Roasted Veggies – with fresh herbs, lemon zest and a dash of freshly grated parm.
I loved them & I think you will too. So, if you are interested and/or need to shed your coat too, I will be posting my low-fat carb-free delights. We will just see where I end up in six weeks.

- 1 medium yellow squash, quartered and sliced
- 2 medium carrots, sliced
- 1/2 medium yellow onion (or two shallots), chopped
- 1/4 cauliflower, chopped (I used purple cauliflower)
- 10 sprigs of fresh thyme
- 1/4 c chopped fresh parsley
- 2 T freshly grated parm cheese
- zest of 1 lemon
- canola oil
- Trader Joes everyday seasoning (or another steakhouse grinder)
- Preheat oven to 400°. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Chop all veggies in same thickness, size to ensure even baking. Place veggies on the baking sheet, top with herbs, zest, parm & canola oil. Season. Toss to combine evenly.
- Place in oven, roast for 20 minutes. Give veggies a toss halfway through roasting time & bake 20 more minutes.
- Remove from oven and serve.