Tip of the Week ((a simple egg test — will yours pass??))

Tip of the Week ((a simple egg test — will yours pass??))

For this week’s Tip of the Week, I am sharing a fun little way to test the freshness of your eggs. Don’t you ever wonder about your eggs?? Are they bad and you don’t know it?? Well, wonder no more. I have the perfect ((simple)) way to test freshness! It goes all the way back to the density of matter…


All you will need to conduct this test are the following supplies:


  1. a medium mixing bowl (clear glass is preferred)
  2. water to fill the mixing bowl about 2″ from the top
  3. eggs – whose freshness is in question.


Gently place one or two eggs into the water. If the egg lays flat on the bottom, it is a fresh as a daisy. If it starts to try to stand on it’s head (the pointy end) it has seen fresher days & needs to be eaten soon. Once the egg is floating — toss it, it’s rotten!


How do I know? The egg begins to float as gases begin to collect inside the shell. These gases are slowly emitted as the egg ages. Once the egg has begun to “turn” (aka rot) the gases increase within the eggshell to the point that the egg becomes lighter (less dense) than water. This is what causes it to float.


Time to fry this egg up and feed it to the doggies!