Turkey & Cheese Melts ((It’s what’s for dinner))

Sounds simple right? Turkey & Cheese melted on something. Oh but trust me, they are a pleasure – both to eat & to make. Busy summer nights are tricky for sit down family dinners. If it isn’t because of game time at the ball field, or the fishing pond calling, then it’s the yard that needs to be de-jungled.
Let’s face it, there are a thousand things pulling our families away from the table. That little statement could easily shove a soapbox under my feet, but let me simply say – I believe it is very important to share at least one family meal together daily. That is where we remember we love each other, tell the stories of our day, work hard to delete ape-ish table manners & train the kiddos in prayer.
Oh, and let’s be honest, if the kiddos were to give their perspective about what happens at the dinner table, I am sure they would say it is where they eat a lot of gag inducing food because they are squirrelly.
Well, that is not what they would have said about this dinner ((but please don’t ask Shep – he got hung up on the flecks of green parsley)).
Your dinner table doesn’t need to look like it just hopped off of the Food Network or out of Julia Child’s kitchen. As a matter of fact, that pressure may be what is causing a lot of dinner tables to be vacant. Let’s just work on making a good simple meal and leave the flashy stuff to the stars. Get it? “Flashy” & “stars”, haha, I played with my words.
These melts are a simple hit for sure, and it all starts with the glue: a little mayo and 8 oz of hand shredded mozzarella.
Next, I added chopped turkey deli meat & Italian parsley. Now this is what makes these melts so great! If you don’t like something, or don’t have it on hand – just trade it for what you do love. Pepperoni, roast beef, ham, BBQ chicken, or even a yummy vegetarian melt!
Speaking of switching it up – HERE is a link to the melt I grew up eating “Open-face Italian Salami Melts“.
I added a sprinkling of garlic herb seasoning blend to the bowl and stirred. It is that easy!
Using a ½ cup scoop is key to making sure each slice of bread gets the perfect amount of topping.
So scoop away!
Then, spread the turkey/cheese mixture out to cover all the edges and corners. This is highly technical people.
Into the oven for 20 minutes on 400° and dinner is served. Serve some fresh fruit or a mini side salad and your herd will be so happy.

- 16 slices of Italian-stlye sliced bread
- 8 oz mozzarella, hand shredded
- 2 heaping T light mayo
- 1 lb turkey deli meat, chopped
- 3-4 T chopped fresh Italian parsley
- 1/2 t garlic herb seasoning blend
- Preheat oven to 400°. Place bread slices, in an "open-face" style on parchment lined baking sheets. Combine remaining ingredients in a medium mixing bowl. Using a 1/2 c scoop, scoop equal amounts of the turkey & cheese onto the bread slices. Spread the filling to cover the edges and corners.
- Bake at 400° for 20 to 25 minutes until topping is light golden brown, melted and the toast is crisp.