Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer — ((no bake)) cookies??

I few weeks ago I can across one of the cutest Christmas cookie ideas I think I have ever seen – when I viewed this Pin of Pinterest. At first glance, I could tell these bright red cookie balls were not dipped and with that little detail, my curiosity was peaked. I proceeded to click on the Pin and scroll through a slew of cute photos until I came across the recipe.
The short ingredient list and the all important “No-Bake” detail were exactly what I needed.
((WHEW, I have been busy – school parties, homeschool days, finals week for the two big guys, Hug-A-Bear for my littlest kindie, school feast*, a Bible study fellowship complete with potato soup & 150 ((ish)) jars of salted caramel)) Yes, this recipe was speaking my language.
And then I read the ingredients. Get ready, because you are about to be as surprised as I was ::
- Chocolate melting chips, colored red
- 1 can of sweetened condensed milk
- Ritz crackers
Yep – short list with a surprise “key-player”! A few days later, I got the opportunity to make cookies for Gracie’s school Christmas party & I couldn’t wait to try out this Red Nose Recipe!
The red melting chips were found at Hobby Lobby – but I am guessing Amazon has a slew of choices. Next up good old “Eagle Brand”. And finally, the biggest surprise of them all :: Ritz.
It was almost 11 pm as I whirred the Ritz in my little food processor and I could tell David was beginning to worry. “When are you going to start making the cookies??” ((pause, pause — whirr-whirr)) “Don’t you need to start making the cookies for Gracie’s Christmas party ((insert a little tone here)) THAT..IS..TOMORROW..??”.
I let his concern grow for a few extra seconds before blowing his mind with this simple truth :: “David, my darling – these crackers ARE the cookies.”
Just about that time, the microwave dinged – time to stir the sweetened condensed milk that I had just 60 seconds earlier dumped into a microwave safe glass bowl.
As soon and the chocolate and SCM were “ONE” things happened in rapid-fire succession. Literally dump & stir.
It was about halfway through the scooping and rolling steps that I decided this was BOUND to be a dreaded “Pinterest fail” . And with ever little reed nose I formed, I wrote more lines to the blog post in my head which I had already entitled “Step Away From the Nose”.
But – being a mom without options, and knowing I had a little one who went to bed a few hours earlier full of excitement at the prospect of bringing Rudolph’s Red Nose to school for all her friends to eat; I kept scooping & rolling. I think I made 43 noses and my arms were numb.
I placed them in little Christmas cupcake liners, into my container & into the fridge for a long winter’s night sleep in hopes that in the morning the would look better.
Maybe it was the rest in the kitchen, or maybe the hope that seems to come along with morning light – or maybe it was a little of Santa’s magic.
Well, whatever it was – something happened and the cookies were well-loved by all. I bet 10 parents asked me how I made them ((in 13 years of being a mom who brings treats to parties that is probably a record)). “How did you make these? What is in them? Is this just the filling of Oreos dyed red and rolled into a ball?? These are so good, can I have another ((and that questions was posed by children and adults alike)).”
Friends, it was a Christmas Miracle. These little red noses and their magical ways went from being exiled to the Hall of Pinterest Flops to prime spot in the “Hall of Pinterest Fames.
And with these simple words from my little Kindie: “My mom made the Rudolph’s Noses! The Rudolph’s Noses are from MY mom.” My heart was full – but my arms were still sore. Which, ended up being a small price to pay.
For the overall success of this recipe, I would suggest using a 2 T crank scoop and NOT hand-rolling them ((not even after you scoop)). They are pretty dry and will dry even quicker, the longer they wait for their turn to be made into a nose.
One last note – about that mom that asked if they were rolled-up Oreo filling?? She nailed the flavor description. It’s the craziest thing! They do taste just like Oreo filling.

- 1 can ((14 oz)) sweetened condensed milk
- 2 ((12 oz)) bags red chocolate melting chips
- 4 1/2 sleeves of Ritz crackers
- Place chips ans sweetened condensed milk (SCM) in a large microwave safe mixing bowl. Microwave chips & SCM one high in 15-30 second increments, stirring in between, until chips are melted and incorporated into the SCM.
- Meanwhile,place crackers into a food processor and pulse until crackers are the consistency of sand. Pour pulverized crackers into the melted chocolate mixture and stir until combined.
- Refrigerate this cracker/chocolate mixture for 20 minutes ((no longer)) in order to get them firm enough to hold their shape when scooped into "noses".
- After 20 minutes, begin scooping. I have found that the simple process of scooping, firmly pressing the cookie mixture into the scoop and releasing is the perfect way to keep the "nose" in tact. Release the cookie into a cupcake liner and place into a lidded container. The cupcake liners keep the noses from pressing against each other and getting smooshed. ((This is important because if Rudolph has a smooshed nose, it won's light up enough to guide the sleigh properly.))
- Continue forming noses until your arms ache and all of the cracker batter is gone.
- Store in an air tight container in the fridge until ready to serve.
- Makes about 3 1/2 dozen.