The Perfect Milk Chocolate Buttercream ((6 minute Buttercream))

The Perfect Milk Chocolate Buttercream ((6 minute Buttercream))

Homemade buttercream is on my shortlist of favorite things. I won’t say NEVER, but I cannot imagine myself ever buying canned frosting. Not when the real deal is so easy and magnificently tasty. Another bonus? The ingredient list doesn’t sound like instructions for a chemistry 

Miss Colleen’s Perfect Pound Cake ((a time-tested vintage recipe))

Miss Colleen’s Perfect Pound Cake ((a time-tested vintage recipe))

Well over a year ago, I was visiting mom & dad’s church. Actually, I was visiting the church AND the potluck dinner & I tasted this pound cake — buttery, dense, moist with a hint of lemon. I instantly began searching for the baker who 

Wedding Cake in a Jar — this will change your life!!

Wedding Cake in a Jar — this will change your life!!

I am in love with this dessert! Yes, I think I want to marry it. I mean, who doesn’t LOVE wedding cake?? This girl sure loves a good piece of wedding cake! I began dreaming of putting all of the perfect wedding cake elements into a 

Fresh Strawberry Buttercream

Fresh Strawberry Buttercream

There has been a drastic decrease in the number of meals coming out of my kitchen! Honestly, I really don’t even know how I have gotten away with it for so long. For instance, this week’s dinners have included:

Spring Break on the Farm and Campfire Food Galore ((3 Campfire Recipes))

Spring Break on the Farm and Campfire Food Galore ((3 Campfire Recipes))

We had a great Spring Break at the farm! We camped, hiked and fished to our hearts desire. Now, by camping I mean, the men-folk slept in tents while us ladies slept in the RV. After one night of rain, the boys invaded our little 

Banana Chocolate Chip Cake with Stovetop Caramel Buttercream ((Birthday Cake time!!))

Banana Chocolate Chip Cake with Stovetop Caramel Buttercream ((Birthday Cake time!!))

Whew!! What a cake this is! But before I tell you all about this cake, let me tell you a little about the birthday boy. He was born 11 years ago today at 4:06 am. I am so proud of the fact that he was 

Mom’s Old-Fashioned Fudge ((A “how-to” for perfect fudge))

Mom’s Old-Fashioned Fudge ((A “how-to” for perfect fudge))

Nothing says home to me more than a batch of old-fashioned fudge. Not just home, but love. Where I come from, a plate of fudge can say “I love you” almost better than words. Really, fudge is the international sign for “I love you”. No one 

The Very Best Cookie Recipe ((“Swig” Sugar Cookies))

The Very Best Cookie Recipe ((“Swig” Sugar Cookies))

Last weekend we had my favorite kind of weather! It was so cold and overcast and the biggest juiciest snowflakes fell for hours! I have not seen such a pretty snow all year! With such gorgeous winter weather outside, I was inspired to bake inside. While 

Homemade Citrus & Powdered Sugar Coated Mini Janes ((Donuts))

Homemade Citrus & Powdered Sugar Coated Mini Janes ((Donuts))

Kade has been asking for me to make donuts for breakfast for a while. So, with our current snowed in status and no more good excuses, I decided this would be the prefect time to satisfy his cravings. Typically, I “make” donuts by quartering canned

Valentine Mini-Cookie Truffles

Valentine Mini-Cookie Truffles

Happy Valentine’s Day! I bet you have dreams and plans of dinner and flowers! Make a little room to add this treat to you V-day plans. These mini-cookie truffles are a twist on a recipe ((Teenie Cookie Butter Balls)) I recently shared, you can view 

Birthday Cake Cheesecake with Sweet Almond Buttercream & Sprinkles

Birthday Cake Cheesecake with Sweet Almond Buttercream & Sprinkles

Cheesecake is Shepy Ray’s favorite dessert. So, as his 9th ((wow — seems like he should be 4, sniff)) birthday approached, I started making cheesecake plans. Shepy wanted Sour Cherry Topped Homemade Vanilla Cheesecake. However, I had something more birthday-ish” in mind. Something sprinkl-ey and 

Teenie Cookie Butter Cookie Balls

Teenie Cookie Butter Cookie Balls

Yes, my friends, I did it. I made “teenie” cookie butter cookie balls. Teenie being a code word for “eat by the dozens guilt-free”. That is right, I used the words “cookie butter” and “guilt-free” in the same paragraph. Trust me – I am buying