Toasted Walnut & Garden-Fresh Sweet Basil Pesto ((Homemade))

Toasted Walnut & Garden-Fresh Sweet Basil Pesto ((Homemade))

It has been a tough season for the garden! I had one squash to harvest ((boo to the squash bugs)), a few beets, pithy radishes galore, not one bean and the tomatoes have begrudgingly produced – if that is even possible. But a few things 

Back-to-School Breakfast Party Tradition

Back-to-School Breakfast Party Tradition

The decorations have all been hung in the kitchen with care, in hopes

A little glimpse into my home…

A little glimpse into my home…

I will soon be doing a few posts about my paint colors, some finishes including my walnut slab island and my flooring choices ((tile, stained concrete etc)). But before I begin sharing some of my favorite home design details, I want to tell you ((again)) about 

Paul Revere

Paul Revere

Well, a funny thing happened over at “the Shop“. Have you checked it lately?

Epic Lasagna — Meat & Potatoes Meet Homemade Lasagna Noodles!!

Epic Lasagna — Meat & Potatoes Meet Homemade Lasagna Noodles!!

Now, before I start telling you about this recipe, let me quickly tell you about the name of this recipe. It all started when I was struggling to heave this massive creation out of the oven. It was massively heavy because I was afeared feeding 

Food for a Year — The Shop is OPEN!

Food for a Year — The Shop is OPEN!

I am so excited to announce I have decided to open shop. As you may know, I LOVE vintage kitchen linens and kitchenwares.  I am beginning to think I have graduated from a collector to a hoarder. And ain’t nobody got time to be a 

Heirloom Tomato Salsa ((straight from the garden!!))

Heirloom Tomato Salsa ((straight from the garden!!))

You guys may have learned this by now, but let me just say it again for the record! Chips & salsa are my love language. It used to be Chips & salsa AND Diet Dr. Peppers from Sonic, but I gave up the DDP addiction 

Bad News & THE Recipe

Bad News & THE Recipe

I have some very sad news to share. If you have been following me on Instagram and Facebook, then you already know of the sadness our little family has experienced this week. If you are like my mom, Instagram and Facebook are things you avoid 

A Garden Update & A Great Paul Revere Impersonation

A Garden Update & A Great Paul Revere Impersonation

After all the the crazy Spring weather I thought I would give you a quick garden update. Remember all of the lengths I went to, to start my garden?

Meet the bunnies!

Meet the bunnies!

After 7 weeks of loving Lula & Bubba’s babies, they have finally grown up enough to be able to tell them apart. As I announced in an earlier post, we figured out a few weeks ago that we had three boys and one girl. Since 

Lemon & Herb Hummus ((homemade — starting with dried garbanzos))

Lemon & Herb Hummus ((homemade — starting with dried garbanzos))

It is time for some healthy, homemade snack options. In other words, I will be wearing a swimsuit at the lake in a few short weeks and I don’t feel swimsuit ready. Haha…sniff.

Boys and Girls and Bunnies

Boys and Girls and Bunnies

Well, our sweet bunnies are 5 weeks old and if you know anything about raising bunnies, then you know that means now is the perfect time to find out if they are boy bunnies or girl bunnies.