Shock and Awe, people!

There is an unwritten list of foods we parents have – PLEASE tell me I am not the only one… You know, a list of the untouchables. The “Untouchable Vegetables”. “Those” veggies that I wouldn’t even dare to put on my kiddos plates, the ones that illicit the gag and cotton mouth. At the very top of my list is ASAPARAGUS. Now, I personally like asparagus or else I would NEVER buy it. (hah)
But, I have a dream, it’s a little dream – but a dream. A dream that I can make one meal and we all eat in peace, young and old, boy and girl, mom and dad. That the color of food isn’t what matters, but that each color and shape is given equal opportunity to be eaten and … even enjoyed. That the dinner table can be a place where tears and discontent do not show their ugly faces. Rather, dinner is filled with laughter and joy and even peace.
Well, just a few days ago, my dream indeed came true (temporarily). 3 out of 4 kiddos asked to try my asparagus. That’s right!! They asked! And they tried it, swallowed it and asked for seconds ((shock & awe))!! The 4th declined and he was not pushed, because I was going for a tear-free dining experience.
- 1 lb. fresh asparagus spears, washed
- 1 T vege oil
- salt & pepper
- Up to 3 hours before grilling, chop the fibrous ends off of the asparagus & discard (or throw out in the back for the wild bunnies-they will love it!). Place asparagus in a shallow dish and drizzle with oil and sprinkle fresh ground black pepper and salt. Roll the asparagus around to ensure even coating. Prepare grill. Allow fire to reach medium heat. Place asparagus directly on the grill, turning occasionally to get good grill marks.
- Serve immediately.
- I like to use freshly ground pepper and freshly ground Himalayan pink salt. I think these extra little steps impart some necessary flavor that really makes a world of difference.

Now, the picture above is of an upcoming ((posted!!)) recipe: “Spicy Teriyaki Tacos”. Hiding sticking unusual veggies in a taco is a good way to introduce them to your family – so stay tuned! Hope you enjoy this simple recipe as much as we have.