Amazing Salsa Queso ((lentil)) Burritos, prepare to be shocked!

I love lentils – they can take on any flavor profile perfectly. They can be served cold or warm. They are simple to prepare, inexpensive, heart healthy, vitamin rich & filling. The key to working with lentils is to pay attention to the texture changes as they cook.
There is an interesting thing to take note of in this picture: I thought this frozen meat was ground beef. ((I used some frozen ground beef and frozen ground sausage for a recipe a few weeks ago, had just a little bit leftover…blah, blah, blah. Bottom line, the bag wasn’t labeled. It was not beef, it was Italian pork sausage. Last time I checked, it is hard to turn Italian sausage into a burrito. So I didn’t try to make Italian sausage work & omitted the meat altogether.)) The moral of the story: Label browned ground meat before you stick it in the freezer.
Before you start ‘cooking’ the lentils, roast them with the spices for a few minutes. It’s okay to throw the veggies in the braiser (or skillet) too. By heating up the dry ingredients first – you wake up all the flavors that have been hibernating in your pantry for the last 4.29 months.
In order to turn lentils into a burrito filling, prepare them as if you are making risotto. 1½ cups of lentils needs about 4 cups of liquid, added one cup at a time. As each cup evaporates, add the next cup until the lentils soften and turn creamy in texture. After the 4th cup is absorbed, use a masher to get them extra creamy. This simple process technically over cooks the lentils, but I love the creamy texture – it makes the perfect filling for burritos.
Now at this point, by adding beef stock, I go from a vegetarian, heck – it was vegan, meal to a carnivorous meal. You can certainly sub vegetable stock for beef stock. I used beef because I can trick the kids into thinking beef is the main ingredient and beans are a subtle accompaniment. ((Yes I said beans. If I told the kids they were eating lentils, I am pretty sure their heads would spin-off of their necks, their eyes would flip out of the sockets & they would spew.))
Give the lentils a quick mash. By doing this, the texture turns creamy – similar to refried beans. (Staying true to the bean)
Add 4 ounces of light cream cheese, 4 ounces of hand-shredded extra sharp cheddar & a cup of your favorite salsa – and voila! Salsa Queso ((lentil)) Burritos are served. Isn’t it amazing what 4 little ounces of light cream cheese can do to a meal??