It’s all about DAD! ((and meat!!)) My Top 10 meat recipes for the #1 Dad in your life!

We are closing in on Father’s Day and it’s time to start thinking about food, right? They say a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so let’s show all the dads in our lives how much they mean to us! Here are some of Food for a Year’s most popular “meat’ recipes for all the meat-eating dads: “Let them eat MEAT!”
- First up for the dad who loves to grill:
Thai Buttermilk Curry & Apricot Glazed Grilled Flap Steak
Spicy Teriyaki – with all the taco fixings!
Does dad prefer fish? This Grilled Opah is a special fish perfect for your special dad ((and it makes the most AMAZiNG fish taco!
- Now for the dad who likes some home-cooking: Hearty Birthright Stew:
Chicken & Fluffy Herbed Dumplings: Sure to put a smile on dad’s face!!
These Smokehouse Meatballs are sure to impress him & satisfy his love for smoked foods!
- Does your dad love foods from around the world? Curry Beef & Butternut Squash,
Slow-cooker Citrus Jerk & Apricot Pork
& Chicken Tikka Masala Meatballs are going to let him know: he is king of your hill!
How about this 2-Ingredient Star? ((This recipe received more comments & hits in two days than any other recipe posted on Food for a Year!)) Ponzu Oven-Roasted Chilean Sea Bass:
I hope these recipes help you show the dads in your life how much they mean to you – Happy Father’s Day!