New FFAY recipe on Sinkology! Black Forest Mug Cake
Check out the newest FFAY recipe on Sinkology’s blog – it’s a tasty, HOMEMADE Black Forest Cake, served in a mug. But that isn’t even the best part!
Check out the newest FFAY recipe on Sinkology’s blog – it’s a tasty, HOMEMADE Black Forest Cake, served in a mug. But that isn’t even the best part!
I am happy to share my newest FFAY recipe over on the Sinkology Blog!
My newest recipe for Sinkology was inspired by my recent trip to Napa & Petaluma.
It’s that time of year — yes, the “BIG” game is just around the corner! What is more exciting to you?? The score or the food?! Well, if you are like me – it’s the food ALL.THE.WAY!
I am happy to share another simple, satisfying, beautifully rustic recipe I have written for Sinkology, perfect for your New Year’s festivities! The complete recipe can be seen over on the Sinkology Blog!