Nectarines + Lemon = Sunshine Salad

Is it really nectarine season?? I thought nectarines were a summer fruit?? Our Oklahoma Spring has lasted longer than any I can remember ((YAY!!)). As a matter of fact, our Winter was crazy long too ((Yippee!!)). So, my mind just can’t comprehend that Summer is around the corner. But, my taste buds love nectarines in any season!
Well – as I look at the calendar, Summer is quickly approaching! As proof, I found a 2 lb bag at Sam’s the other day & just couldn’t resist! Most of the nectarines were still a bit firm ((hard as rocks)), but 3 were soft enough to eat immediately.
With the ripe ones, I made a simple nectarine and lemon fruit salad to serve with the Jerk Pork Sliders we had for dinner. ((recipe coming this weekend)) What a perfect recipe to serve this Memorial Day weekend – as our country kicks off the start to Summer!! Summer: swimming, grilling out, the lake, the burning heat waves, fireworks ((watching only – I am ‘afeared’)) & simple fresh recipes, like this nectarine recipe — are all part of our Summer!
Now is a good time to tell you how to ripen rock hard nectarines. ((Thanks to Tracy for giving me this idea by asking for ripening tips))
- place under-ripe nectarines ((in a single layer)) in a brown paper bag along with a ripe banana.
- Fold the paper bag closed and use a paperclip to keep it shut.
- Check the ripeness of the nectarines in about 24 hours — they should be ready to eat!
- BTW – this tip works wonderfully for avocados too!!
- 3 ripe nectarines, washed and diced into 1" chunks
- 1 medium lemon, washed
- 1-2 T of dry lemon Jello mix*
- Place nectarine chunks in a medium mixing bowl. Zest the lemon and add the zest to the nectarines. Cut the lemon in half, ((reserve one of the halves for another time)) juice half & pour the juice over the nectarines.
- Sprinkle 1-2 T of the dry Jello mix over the nectarines. Stir to combine & serve immediately or refrigerate up to 4 hours, until ready to serve.
- * Sugar-free lemon Jello can also be used - but because the volume of powder in the sugar-free variety is much less than the volume of the regular packets, start by using 1/2 t and add more according to taste preferences.