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Cheesecake Stuffed Banana Bread

Cheesecake Stuffed Banana Bread

Can you relate to my banana dilemma? Seems like I so much as bring them home that they start getting speckled. Within hours of spotting the first speckle the kids consider them overripe and they won’t touch them “with a 10-foot pole” (as my mom 

Turkish Delight Cake

Turkish Delight Cake

Thanks to a recent Chronicles of Narnia themed school party (and signing up to bring a dessert), I was inspired to create this “Turkish Delight Cake”. But I can’t take all of the creative credit – here’s how it went down: 

Mediterranean Breakfast Bread Pudding

Mediterranean Breakfast Bread Pudding

It’s time to mix it up a little! Here’s a twist of my tried and true “Big Country Breakfast Bread Pudding“. Sun-dried tomatoes, feta and fresh spinach help to make this a totally different dish that’s sure to become your new favorite for brunches, breakfasts 

Sheet Pan Fajitas

Sheet Pan Fajitas

Mexican food is pretty much my love language. I can’t seem to get enough of the big, bold, spicy flavors that are notorious with this type of cuisine. But then I seem to find myself wondering why exercise isn’t making a difference in my pants 

Sweet Dark Cherry ((+ Almond)) Yogurt Smoothie

Sweet Dark Cherry ((+ Almond)) Yogurt Smoothie

This little smoothie has recently become my favorite quick breakfast — it’s pretty much the best smoothie I’ve ever had! And because I can control the amount of added sugar, I feel like this smoothie is actually a healthy choice! It has a short list of 

Mom’s Perfect Pot Roast

Mom’s Perfect Pot Roast

When I think of pot roast, I have two memories: First, as a kid, I kind of dreaded “pot roast” Sunday because sometimes (not always) the pot roast was so tough and dry. It was those tough & dry occasions that made me dislike roast 

My New Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

My New Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe

“I’ve never met a chocolate chip cookie I didn’t like”? Chewy, crisp, cakey, thin — doesn’t matter as long as there’s chocolate involved?! Well, I love a good chocolate chip cookie – but I prefer a great chocolate chip cookie … don’t you? My favorite 

Spicy Mexican Creamed Corn

Spicy Mexican Creamed Corn

This creamed corn side dish is a recipe I keep in my back pocket, ready to use when I am short on time and need a full flavored, simple recipe that is sure to please everyone. Now, before I share this recipe – be warned. 

The Perfect Chili

The Perfect Chili

Once cold weather strikes, a common recipe request I receive is “chili”. Surprisingly, I have never taken the time to write out a chili recipe – rather, I have just dumped, stirred and tasted until it hits all the notes I love. But recently, I 

I’m back!

I’m back!

Whew – the holidays hit and life has been a blur ever since! I’ve gotten so far behind that I am tempted to got sit in a dark corner and stare at a wall until spring. But that’s not an option so I’ll just tell 

Homemade Chicken & Veggie Soup

Homemade Chicken & Veggie Soup

Time for a simple fall dinnertime solution! This homemade chicken soup is sure to hit the spot after a long day – a short prep and a long stay in the oven is all that’s between you a some yummy homemade chicken soup.

Hearty Herbed Chicken & Sweet Potato Soup

Hearty Herbed Chicken & Sweet Potato Soup

This Hearty Herbed Chicken & Sweet Potato soup is so easy to make and…it is good for you too! But easy and healthy won’t be the first thing that comes to your mind when you take your first bite of this hearty, flavor-packed soup. Trust